Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Act of Sabotage

Yes, that's right. I just used the s word. We all deal with it from time to time, many of us on a daily basis. We wake up with the best intentions to stick to the diet, be productive, go exercise and then something happens. Something inside our brain shifts and we lose track, make excuses and give in to that little voice even when we start out with success as the only option. We hear that little voice saying, "I will just eat healthy tomorrow. I just need to relax now and then I will get organized later. I think I will just start my exercise program tomorrow." Why does this happen? Why are we continually tested with the choices we make? 

The important thing to remember is that change for many of us is not easy and is inherently uncomfortable. Stepping outside our comfort zone is scary and we end up telling ourselves it just isn't worth the trouble. When we focus too much on the outcome or how hard we have to work to reach our goal we become overwhelmed and shut down. We start to doubt ourselves and feel like we just can't do it. Am I right? 

We must keep in mind that change and bettering ourselves is a true sign of growth. The path is always winding and we need to learn to expect the unexpected. Don Miguel Ruiz in his book, “The Four Agreements” refers to change as the parasite. He states that patterns don’t want to die; they are like a parasite that attacks the idea of new behavior. Just before you are about to have a breakthrough and new behavior is your new pattern, wham, the parasite kicks in full force. It will fight with all its might to not be eliminated, we then feel as though we are not capable of making this change." Although the outcome might not be what we expect we learn to accept what happens and see it as a part of the journey. The path to joy and enlightenment within us is rarely a straight path. Try to keep in mind that you are on a journey and that you really can't fail.

On those days when you question what you are doing, and say to yourself, "What is this all for anyway?",  know that something is ready to take place. Let yourself remain open, stay on your path, be able to sit with pain, and keep the end in sight. One day you will realize that the parasite is gone and the battle is no more. Protect your health, be present, and practice forgiveness, especially forgiving yourself. In the end, the act of forgiveness and true self love is what will bring you peace and happiness.

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