Monday, September 6, 2010

Green Smoothies: What's the big deal?

Green smoothies are a hot topic in the nutrition world. When I first started hearing about them I thought they were just for those crazy health nuts that only eat raw food. So I decided to give them a try to prove my point. Well not only did I discover they are delicious but my 3 year old son also loved them. I was so pleased because he was eating leafy, green vegetables! I got hooked. I also realize they can be incorporated into any diet/lifestyle. I am going to post two of my recent favorites. The first one is great in the morning, the flax seeds and berries help it stick with you all the way until lunch.

Berry Kale Smoothie
1 cup almond milk, or any milk you like to use
2 T flax seeds
1 banana
1 cup frozen blueberries
 handful strawberries, or any other frozen berries on hand
2-3 cups kale
2-3 cups spinach

Blend all together and enjoy!

The next smoothie is delicious and wonderful for healthy bones (all the calcium in the kale) and a great immune system booster. I prefer this as a snack, lunch or even a light dinner on a hot night if you have eaten lots of heavy food through the day.

Pear and Kale Smoothie

1/2 cup water
2 cups ice
1 cup green grapes
1 banana, fresh or frozen
1/2 Bartlett pear
1 orange, peeled
1-2 cups kale

I like to blend the water and ice first, then add fruit and finish with the kale. Enjoy!

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