Thursday, November 18, 2010

Label me, what?

As I have been doing many food experiments over the past 6 months I have been really surprised by some of the results. I have found that people really like to give themselves a label like, "I eat low-fat", "I am a Vegan", "I am a low-carb eater", "I only eat organic", "I am a Vegetarian". I have been fascinated by the fact that I truly have no taste for red meat and pork anymore. I think there are many factors: I have found so many other things I like eating more, I feel better, lighter, and able to maintain my weight without eating meat and I did happen to read some terrible information on slaughter houses...accidentally. With that being said, I think I would most identify with a Vegetarian, however I eat cheese and eggs, and small amounts of chicken and fish. I find that without any animal protein at all, I don't have as much energy. So what is my label? Am I a  lacto-ovo Vegetarian who sometime eats chicken? I discovered the term Flexitarian and I feel it fits me well. As the founder of IIN says in his book, Integrative Nutrition, "It is important to have balance and a flexible attitude...Being a health food addict can be isolating." Even though we should eat healthy most of the time, we still need to live! We are social beings who will always have relationships with people that eat differently than us. Without acceptance of not only how we feed ours, but of how our friend eat, we can never be truly happy. Life is too short to be inflexible. I am a Flexitarian.

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