Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Taking a Leap

Not off a tall building, but a leap of faith. Last week I turned in my notice at my current job to pursue my career as a Health Coach. I am following my passion and I am so excited to help people become healthier, gain more energy, resolve their digestive issues, learn what foods work best for them and lose weight in the process. It feels good to follow my heart which I haven't been good at doing in the past (except when it comes to my husband...marrying him IS the best thing I have ever done!). Life is this incredible journey, filled with many ups and downs. In the past, the downs have always thrown me into a spiral of self destructive behavior because I didn't believe in myself. Now I finally have the self confidence to just keep going. I know some people won't be into what I do or like what I say but there are many people out there waiting for me. Watch out world, here I come!
Here is a green smoothie recipe that has been making me happy. I just love the savory taste and the ginger avocado combination is delightful. Enjoy!

Creamy Ginger Spinach

2 cups spinach
1 pear
1 apple
½ avocado
1 inch fresh ginger
2 cups water

From: Green for Life by Victoria Boutenko

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