Sunday, February 13, 2011

A True Calling

I recently returned from the most amazing conference where I was surrounded by over 2,000 individuals who share my passion and desire to help people become healthier and happier. I can't even begin to describe how amazing all the people are who are attending or have attended Integrative Nutrition. I am inspired by what people have done and feel so blessed to have found by true calling in life. Each day my momentum builds and I am filled with ideas and plans to reach people and support them towards their goals. I am currently working on a group program called 8 Weeks To Better Health...stay tuned!

Joshua Rosenthal, the man behind the movement

It has been a while since I shared a recipe so here is a simple spaghetti recipe with one of my favorite greens and one of my favorite cookbooks on the whole earth, 'Greens Glorious Greens!' by Johnna Albi and Catherine Walthers.

Dandelion with Spaghetti

3 T olive oil
3 garlic cloves, minced
Pinch of hot pepper flakes
1 16 oz can stewed tomatoes with juice
salt to taste
1/2 lb spaghetti (I use Quinoa Spaghetti, a delicious gluten-free alternative)
1 lb dandelion greens, washed stemmed and chopped into bite sized pieces
Grated Romano or Parmesan Cheese

Heat olive oil in a large skillet, and saute garlic and hot pepper flakes until garlic is golden, 1 to 2 minutes. Add tomatoes. Simmer, covered, for 10 to 15 minutes. Season with salt. Cook the spaghetti in boiling water for 3 minutes less than directed on the package. Add the dandelion greens and continue cooking until spaghetti is done. Make sure the the dandelion leaves are submerged in the water during cooking. Drain well. Combine tomato sauce, pasta, and dandelion greens. heat and serve with grated cheese.

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