Monday, January 31, 2011

Happiness is...

fresh air, playing with a sweet 4 year old boy, running with a gluten-free body, exploring new foods, spending precious moments talking with my 92 year old grandmother and waking up every day in awe of how I have discovered an amazing new career where I can help people change their lives through nutrition and self-care. I am so lucky! January has been an amazing month of change and discovery. One of the biggest changes for me of course has been going gluten-free. I am surprised how living in a city like Portland makes this an easy transition. I feel like I am surrounded by delicious gluten-free options at the store AND at many restaurants. When I order gluten-free they don't even blink twice or look at me weird. So wonderful. One of my New Year's Goals was to make sure I got more time outside. It is amazing how much better I feel when I can spend some time outside, taking slow, deep breathes, and enjoying the moment. It is great to be able to incorporate this fresh air time with exercise and I am ecstatic that I have started running again. Once again, yay for gluten-free body!
In less than a week I head off to Miami to join almost 3,000 Integrative Nutrition students and graduates. I am so excited to listen to speakers, make connections and come back energized to put all my ideas and plans for my business into action. Look for more cooking classes, a Menu of Services with different levels of health coaching and many more fun ways to enhance your life that I have up my sleeve! :) I know that 2011 is going to be the best year yet and I hope you will join me as I help others pave for the way for a life filled with health and happiness.

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