Friday, July 29, 2011

This Life That I Live

This past year has been an amazing journey of discovery, education, soul searching and life changing experiences. When I first enrolled at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN), just over one year ago, I had no idea how much I would change and grow as an individual. I just wanted to educate myself as a Health Coach to guide and inspire others to improve their health and their lives by changing the way they were eating, just as I had. I discovered in myself a passion for cooking with fresh, whole food ingredients that coincided with incredible changes in my overall physical and mental health. It didn't take long after I discovered IIN to realize this was the career and the direction I had been searching for. Finally at the age of 31 I discovered what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.

I expected to receive intense training in nutrition, coaching clients and  building a business. What I didn't expect was the change in myself that happened as the year unfolded. I was forced to deeply examine my life and finally deal with many things I had gotten really good at avoiding and setting aside. When I finally began to make significant changes over 2 years ago to improve my health, I thought I had it all figured out. I cleaned up my diet, lost 30 lbs, began exercising regularly and felt the happiest most energetic I had ever felt. My stubborn, passionate, fighter attitude pulled me through the many struggles I had dealt with for years.

The change first began when I gave birth to my son almost 5 years ago. Suddenly, everything I did affected a little person who was completely dependent on me. I decided to fight because I wanted to be there for my son. I jumped full force into treating the Lyme Disease that had  been discovered as being the reason I had suffered so many health issues since a young child. I fought through 18 months of intense treatment and at the end when I felt better, I realized I had been given a second chance at life. My physical health was amazing, I took up running, which I never thought I would be able to do, and the rest is history. I was inspired to empower others to take control of their health, just as I had done.

However, I began to discover that life happens and I still didn't have the tools to deal with the draining, emotional disappointments that happen in life. The past few years have been filled with joy, great accomplishments and success but also deep tragedy, loss, family illness, confusion and self doubt. I began to examine my life at a deeper level, discovering my authentic self so I could become an effective, compassionate health coach for my clients. I realized that my training at IIN was to not only help others, but to help myself. I have learned it is okay to ask for help, not to expect myself to be perfect and to take everything in stride. I recently told someone that I believe everything happens for a reason and I took it as a sign for the direction my life was taking me. They responded by telling me that no matter what happens or is thrown your way, it still comes down to a choice. I think about this everyday. It has helped me to let go and move on from things that are beyond my control. I have the choice to be happy and accepting of my life. I have the choice to let go and not carry everyone else's hardships or burdens. I have the choice to accept my life for what it is. At the end of the day I choose health and happiness. What do you choose?

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