Friday, October 28, 2011

Wild Rice Stuffed Squash

Wild Rice Stuffed Squash
Serves 6

3 small acorn squash, cut in half crosswise
½ cup wild rice
½ cup long grain brown rice
2 cups water
Pinch of sea salt
1 T olive oil
1 leek, chopped
3 cloved garlic, crushed
2 celery stalks, chopped
1 t dried sage
1 t dried thyme
½ t Herbamare
½ cup chopped fresh parsley
½ cup dried cranberries (fruit juice sweetened)
¾ cup pecans, chopped

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Scoop out seeds and pith from squash and place them flesh side down in a glass baking dish filled with ¼ inch of water. Bake uncovered for 40 minutes or until squash is fork tender.
Prepare rice while squash is cooking. Add water, rice and sea salt to pot. Bring to boil then reduce to low and simmer for 45 minutes or until all water is absorbed. Remove pot from heat and let stand while preparing other ingredients.
Heat a 10-inch skillet over medium heat. Add olive oil and leeks. Saute about 3 minutes. Add crushed garlic, chopped celery, dried herbs and sea salt. Saute for 5 or 6 minutes. Place leek-celery mixture into a bowl. Add parsley, dried cranberries, pecans and cooked rice. Mix well. Taste and adjust salt and pepper if needed.
Evenly distribute mixture in the center of each half of squash. Place stuffed squash back into the pan and into the oven for 10 to 20 minutes, or until heated all the way through.

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