Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Cook once eat two or three times

I LOVE this concept and Andrea Beaman's handout that we got from her lecture about whole grains, but I do not seem to be very good about incorporating this into my weekly cooking. I think I am just so excited about all the new recipes that I want to try that I end up buying WAY too much food at New Seasons, especially fresh produce and trying to cook too many meals in a week. Tonight, I don't want to we shall eat the hodge podge of leftovers in the fridge and it will do. Just need to make sure I get through all my fresh produce this week...hmmm, maybe I will just make a giant salad of all the beautiful greens that are in the fridge topped with some leftover chicken, feta, tomato and sunflower seeds. Yep, that sounds good. At least there isn't too much "cooking" involved in making a salad. I do love how making a big pot of soup last 3 - 4 days. Sometimes just doubling the recipe (if you have a giant pot!) makes at least 2 dinners and enough for lunch. Easy. Yummy. And simple to pair with a fresh greens salad. Oh soup. I think I need to make my favorite soup this weekend, Chicken Coconut Curry soup. It's the best!! I will post the recipe soon. What do you do to make your healthy meals stretch into more than one meal?

Health and happiness,

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