Thursday, October 28, 2010

Raw Food Cleanse - Day 7

Well, today hasn't really gone how I had hoped. I was still pretty low on energy and really wanted something warm to eat...had a hard time not giving in! I think part of the problem is the time of season. As my friend pointed out, this is when our bodies want foods that are more grounding and warm. When I read a book about doing a raw cleanse at the end of the summer I thought I would like to try it, but would wait until spring because that seemed to make more sense. Then when a woman from school had a group together with an online support network I thought I would give it a try, but it is a struggle. The damp, cold, cloudy, weather is not helping. However, I have reached the halfway point and am telling myself I can make it through next Thursday. Maybe I am a "late bloomer" when it comes to cleansing. I still am struggling with being cold, especially in the evening. Wow, not too cheery tonight. Doesn't it make you want to do a raw cleanse? :) Maybe tomorrow will be better. Patience...

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