Friday, October 29, 2010

Raw Food Cleanse - Day 8 (And final day...)

Today I have decided not to continue the cleanse for several reasons, because as I have learned since beginning school this past summer it is very important to listen to your body. I've had eight days of no energy, being freezing and not seeing much improvement in my skin. I think part of the issue is the time of year. I feel like I am depriving my body of what it wants as we get closer to the winter months. Fall is one of my favorite times of year because I get to make soup. I don't want to miss out on any more soup making time! I do not regret trying the cleanse as it really has been a great learning experience. However, I do not think it is healthy to have only 2 very small bowel movements in 8 days!! It very well could have gone a lot differently if it had been Spring or Summer. During the summer I love to eat salads, even crave them. Right now I feel like I can't eat another one anytime soon. I couldn't stomach the cold soups. I sat here today wondering what I would eat for the next six days and realized this just isn't working. I have a lot of respect for Raw Foodists that can continue to eat so much raw foods throughout the year. So, I am going to enjoy a nice warm bowl of soup, then curl up on the couch with my boys.

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