Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Raw Food Cleanse - Day 6

So today I got to have a smoothie for breakfast which was delicious and a beautiful salad at lunch. I felt like my taste buds were in overdrive because being able to chew food made everything taste so delicious! Dinner was not as great...tried a cold tomato soup. I think because I love hot soups so much it just didn't do it for me. Also, I think I added too many shallots and garlic. It was overpowering and didn't sit good in my stomach. Tomorrow I think that I will stick with smoothies and salads. On day 8 we move to a high raw diet, I guess including more than just smoothies, salads and cold soups. Should be interesting...although I have been intrigued with the Raw Food Diet when we studied it in school, I think there are certain things about it that would be really hard to follow. It will be fun to try some of the recipes and see how they are. I will be sure to share any that are really good! I am still waiting for the vibrant energy that apparently I should be having by now and haven't seen too much improvement in my skin yet. Maybe it is just taking a little bit longer for me...

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