Saturday, October 23, 2010

Raw Food Cleanse - Day 2

Well this morning went a little bit better using the Vita Mix and then a mesh strainer to make the juices. Still a lot of work though, probably wouldn't do this if it was more than 5 days of juicing! I have been a little more hungry today but not too bad until about 2pm. Then I got a monster of a headache and had to lay down. Slept for an hour or so, body has been a bit weak and tired. I am so glad the cleanse started on a Friday! Hopefully by Monday I will be through most of the detoxing and having a lot more energy for work.

I did experience some food cravings today but mostly when I opened the fridge and the food was right in front of me. Luckily the juices I have made really taste pretty good and I just grabbed my mason jar full of juice for a few swigs when I felt hungry. I am hoping the hunger level is not too bad tomorrow. I am pretty calm though, not feeling stressed out or regretting doing the cleanse. I will probably hit the hay early again tonight letting my body get plenty of rest during this detox stage. I am looking forward to a smoothie and salad on Wednesday!

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