Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Raw Food Cleanse - Day 5

Well, all I can say is that I am so glad to be done with juicing and drinking them tomorrow! Today was hard as I was hungrier and really craving some fats, like cheese and avocado. Made my salad tonight for lunch tomorrow, lots of yummy fresh green, parsley, cucumber, purple cabbage, red pepper, sunflower seeds and avocado. Yum!! Plan to make a yummy Blueberry Kale smoothie in the morning. Yes, fiber!! It was actually kind of hard to drink the juices today, where as the other days they were refreshing and delicious. Still haven't seen much improvement in my skin. :(  Hopefully it does start to improve more, as its one of the main reasons I did the cleanse. Really tired tonight, still waiting for the bright, vibrant energy to happen. The cloudy, cold, rain that we have been having here in Portland certainly is not helping the energy level.

I keep forgetting to mention the gross liver cleanse I have been drinking in the morning! Um yeah, it is warm water, lemon juice and olive oil. I have been using flax seed oil but still not fun to drink. It is supposed to help get things "moving" in the morning, but let me tell you that certainly hasn't been working for me! We do continue drinking this for the whole 14 days...we will see if I make it. Going to head to bed early so I can have sweet dreams about avocado and actually chewing my food.

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