Sunday, October 24, 2010

Raw Food Cleanse - Day 3

So, I can tell that my brain wasn't working too well yesterday as I forgot to mention that I have been FREEZING. Can't get warm to save my life, slept the last 2 nights in several layers of clothes. However I have been sleeping like a baby, deep sleep with vivid dreams. Today I do seem a bit warmer though, and my other detox symptoms seem better as well. I wasn't as tired and only had a dull headache for a short while in the afternoon. Much to my surprise my hunger level hasn't been bad at all. I do find when I feel hungry I am actually craving the fresh juice that I have made, guess my body really loves it! Only 2 more days to go on the juice portion of the cleanse. Overall, except for the exorbitant amount of time I am spending in the kitchen juicing, this cleanse has been much easier than I thought it would be (so far anyway, need to remind myself it is day 3). Until tomorrow...

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