Friday, October 22, 2010

Raw Food Cleanse - Day 1

I have been wanting to do a raw food cleanse/detox for a while since my interest in raw foods has grown. I notice I feel more energetic and happy on days when I have incorporated more raw foods into my diet. When a fellow student at IIN said she had a group of 40+ people starting today together and there was an online support group I jumped on the bandwagon. I even got a friend at work to join me so we can support each other. I am hoping to clear up my skin on my face and jump start my energy which has been low since the weather started changing.The cleanse is 14 days...about the longest I think I would ever want to do. The basic layout is: Day 1-5 drink fresh squeezed veggie/fruit juices, Day 6-7 adding in Smoothies and salads, and soups, Day 8-14 eating a high raw diet.

So, Day 1 has been okay. Had a few issues this morning trying to strain my juice that I blended in the Vita Mix since I don't have a juicer. It was over blended and pretty much impossible to strain so I did have some fiber today, oh well. The next batch I made was much better. I haven't really been hungry, just a bit tired and running on the cold side this evening. Luckily I had made a batch of the Grounding Soup broth last night that I could warm up and sip, which has helped me warm up a bit.

I can already tell I am going to get sick of the juices and that work that goes into making them. At least it is only 5 days. Also, I think I am really going to miss chewing!! Until tomorrow...

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