Monday, October 25, 2010

Raw Food Cleanse - Day 4

Another day down and only one more to go before I can have a salad! Yay! I am dying for some avocado...yum. Today was a little harder in dealing with hunger. Maybe because I dropped 3 lbs. from yesterday or just because I haven't had anything but juice for 4 days!! :) Energy was good today and no headache. As long as I don't get the stomach flu that my son and husband had I should be good to go...yikes. That would really mess up the cleanse, wouldn't it!

Juicing with the Vita Mix has turned out to work pretty well. I like the fact that I can throw in a hunk of ginger to the mixture with the Vita Mix which you probably couldn't do with a juicer unless you had a really good one. I took some pictures to load that show the process of juicing with my blender. I made my juice for breakfast and lunch tomorrow so I don't have to worry about it in the morning. First day of working while on the cleanse, hope it goes well! Stay tuned...

Full blender of veggies!

Don't over blend

The flat  wooden spoon worked well to squeeze out juice

Voila! Dinner is done

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